High Speed Vessel Consulting


Consultant services for all your maritime needs.


Expert ship handling training available for all vessels. HSV Consulting’s expertise lies in high speed vessels; catamarans, mono-hulls, trimarans, littoral combat ships (US Navy), yachts, and ferries. We specialize in water jet (KaMeWa Rolls Royce and LIPS) training, including water jet limitations and advantages, set-up and installation, wake control at high speed transits, etc.


HSV can deliver your vessel safely to your destination (world wide) with proper certified crew.

Previous experience within the Baltic Sea, the Great Lakes, from Australia & Tasmania to Scandinavia & Europe, the Caribbean Sea, the Pacific, the Mediterranean Sea, and the English Channel.

Bridge wing control system on HSC Leonora Christina, 113 meter Austal catamaran operating in the Baltic Sea (KaMaWa system).

Bridge wing control system on HSC Leonora Christina, 113 meter Austal catamaran operating in the Baltic Sea (KaMaWa system).

HSV 046, 91 meter Incat catamaran operating between Trinidad & Tobago.

HSV 046, 91 meter Incat catamaran operating between Trinidad & Tobago.


HSV can assist you with new start up projects from initial concept development to executing the operation. This includes finding your perfect vessel, training crew & management, delivery, shoreside infrastructure set up, operational systems set up including proper maintenance programs and ISM, HSC code, and approval with flag state and maritime authorities.

KaMeWa bridge wing control joy stick system.

KaMeWa bridge wing control joy stick system.

HSC 86 meter Incat, operating in Poole, UK-Channel Island for Condor Ferries.

HSC 86 meter Incat, operating in Poole, UK-Channel Island for Condor Ferries.


HSV offers project management services & training to crew and shore side staff in all aspects of high speed vessel operation & maintenance.

  • Ship and mega yacht management.

  • Evaluation survey and brokerage of sale and purchase of ships and mega yachts.

  • Technical and operational management of passenger ships, ferries, fast ferries, Ro-Ro ships, train ferries, and mega yachts.

  • Ship broking services - sale and purchase and charter parties.

  • Flag registration and change of registry.

  • ISM, ISPS, MLC and navigational audits.

  • Damage surveys.

  • Weather routing and electronic forecasting.

  • Terminal and port infrastructure evaluation.

Docking system on Austal’s 102 meter Trimaran (LIPS System).

Docking system on Austal’s 102 meter Trimaran (LIPS System).

Dry docking of HSC Spirit of Ontario 1 (86 meter Austal catamaran) on the Great Lakes, USA/Canada.

Dry docking of HSC Spirit of Ontario 1 (86 meter Austal catamaran) on the Great Lakes, USA/Canada.